Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Facebook Twitter App Posts to Profile Without Permission

I joined Twitter after I joined Facebook. When I first joined Twitter I thought it would be a good idea to have my tweets post as a status on Facebook. That decision was quickly reversed when I began to realize I was using the two applications for two different purposes and also had two (almost) completely different user groups as friends (followers).

So, I was surprised to find out today when I posted a tweet that all of sudden I was getting emails about my friends commenting on my Facebook status. Turns out, the Facebook Twitter app decided it was going to start publishing my tweets to my Facebook profile. Thankfully, I was able to disable this option from within the Twitter application settings.

However, why did this happen in the first place? Was this functionality recently updated within the Facebook Twitter app? Or was my previous setting accidentally overturned? No harm. Just annoying.

Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)

MS Project won't import MS Excel: Operation Failed

When I attempted to import an MS Excel spreadsheet into MS Project, I was able to map each sheet to fields within MS Project; however, when I hit finished, I was getting an error "Operation Failed!" without any additional information.

After a quick Google, I found out that I needed to upgrade MS Project from SP2 to SP3. After successful installation, before you attempt to import another spreadsheet, be sure to open MS Project, go to "Tools" --> "Options" --> "Security" tab, and select the option to "Prompt when loading files with legacy or non default file format." or "Allow loading files with legacy or non default file formats."

Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Blog Absence? Blame Twitter

It's been a long time since I've posted on my blog. Where I've been these past 30 days can easily be stated in one word: Twitter.

While my absence is barely noticed (except for perhaps the few family and friends that check this site every now and again), it is similar on a grander scale to someone like Robert Scbole's shift from his blog to real-time services such as FriendFeed and Twitter. Recently, I've been more entertained by Twitter - posting quick-hits, reading other people's posts (celebrities too!), and overall, just being plain addicted to Twitter.

There certainly is enough going on in the world and personally - it's not like there's nothing to write about, so I'll try and get back to posting some more detailed Woodland Blog news in the near future.

Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oracle Certification Notes: Part XIII

This is a continuation of my notes as I study for the Oracle Certified Associate crediential:

Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • May INSERT into 1 row using VALUES; May INSERT into multiple rows using SELECT
  • May INSERT into multiple tables at a time. As an example: INSERT ALL WHEN column1=1 INTO table1(column1) VALUES (retrieved.column1) WHEN column2=2 INTO table2(column1) VALUES (retrieved.column2) SELECT column1, column2 FROM table3;
  • TRUNCATE is technically considered a command of the Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • MERGE can be thought of as a way to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE depending on the data circumstance. Instead of coding for all 3 scenarios, a MERGE does it all at once.

    CONTROL Transactions
  • COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT are control transactions
  • Relational database standards for transactions - ACID: atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
  • Example: SAVEPOINT savepoint
  • Example: >ROLLBACK [TO SAVEPOINT savepoint]
  • Terminating transaction statements include COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and TRUNCATE. SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT does not terminate a transaction.

    Database Objects
  • An object (e.g., table, stored procedure) is owned by a database user; a set of objects owned by a database user is referred to as its schema.
  • Object names can be no more than 30 characters consisting of letters, numbers, underscore (_), dollar sign ($) and hash symbol (#)
  • Objects are defined by their namespace and schema_owner.object_name
  • Namespace is a group of object types. Stored Procedures, Tables, Views, Synonyms, and Sequences are considered to be in a namespace. Indexes are stored in a separate namespace.
  • The amount of limited space assigned to a table is known as an extent.

    Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)
  • Monday, February 9, 2009

    Oracle Certification Notes: Part XII

    This is a continuation of my notes as I study for the Oracle Certified Associate credential:

    Subqueries: Overview
  • Subqueries can be included within SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.
  • The WHERE clause may only contain 255 levels of subqueries; whereas, an unlimited depth may be used within the FROM clause.
  • Example of subquery in a SELECT clause: SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees), 'Hello World!' FROM dual;
  • A subquery cannot be used within the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement
  • Multi-row subquery comparison operators include IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL. = ANY is the same as IN.

    Subqueries: Types
  • Single-row, multiple-row, and correlated subqueries
  • A correlated subquery: Where a subquery references a column from the parent query. Often inefficient construction of code.
  • A scalar subquery is one that only returns a single column from a single row - often substituted for a literal value.
  • Star Transformation: Modifying a query using traditional table joins to use IN-Subquery relationships. May have execution benefits, especially for data warehouses, as well easier to maintain. Oracle parameter included for automatic star transformation.

    SET operators
  • UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, MINUS (ISO equivalent: EXCEPT) are used to make a compound query
  • No order of precedence.** Read top-to-bottom, left-to-right. Use parentheses to establish order of precedence. **(yet. appears INTERSECT may eventually take precedence)
  • Columns from each query may be different in name, but must be of same datatype group. Column names from first query will be displayed as the result set.
  • Data from a compound query is returned with no duplicates and sorted by column values from left-to-right, with the exception of UNION ALL - returns all rows without sorting
  • ORDER BY can only be placed at the bottom of the last query of a compound query

    Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)