Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oracle Certification Notes: Part XIII

This is a continuation of my notes as I study for the Oracle Certified Associate crediential:

Data Manipulation Language (DML)
  • May INSERT into 1 row using VALUES; May INSERT into multiple rows using SELECT
  • May INSERT into multiple tables at a time. As an example: INSERT ALL WHEN column1=1 INTO table1(column1) VALUES (retrieved.column1) WHEN column2=2 INTO table2(column1) VALUES (retrieved.column2) SELECT column1, column2 FROM table3;
  • TRUNCATE is technically considered a command of the Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • MERGE can be thought of as a way to perform an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE depending on the data circumstance. Instead of coding for all 3 scenarios, a MERGE does it all at once.

    CONTROL Transactions
  • COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT are control transactions
  • Relational database standards for transactions - ACID: atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
  • Example: SAVEPOINT savepoint
  • Example: >ROLLBACK [TO SAVEPOINT savepoint]
  • Terminating transaction statements include COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and TRUNCATE. SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT does not terminate a transaction.

    Database Objects
  • An object (e.g., table, stored procedure) is owned by a database user; a set of objects owned by a database user is referred to as its schema.
  • Object names can be no more than 30 characters consisting of letters, numbers, underscore (_), dollar sign ($) and hash symbol (#)
  • Objects are defined by their namespace and schema_owner.object_name
  • Namespace is a group of object types. Stored Procedures, Tables, Views, Synonyms, and Sequences are considered to be in a namespace. Indexes are stored in a separate namespace.
  • The amount of limited space assigned to a table is known as an extent.

    Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)
  • Monday, February 9, 2009

    Oracle Certification Notes: Part XII

    This is a continuation of my notes as I study for the Oracle Certified Associate credential:

    Subqueries: Overview
  • Subqueries can be included within SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY and HAVING clauses.
  • The WHERE clause may only contain 255 levels of subqueries; whereas, an unlimited depth may be used within the FROM clause.
  • Example of subquery in a SELECT clause: SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees), 'Hello World!' FROM dual;
  • A subquery cannot be used within the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement
  • Multi-row subquery comparison operators include IN, NOT IN, ANY, ALL. = ANY is the same as IN.

    Subqueries: Types
  • Single-row, multiple-row, and correlated subqueries
  • A correlated subquery: Where a subquery references a column from the parent query. Often inefficient construction of code.
  • A scalar subquery is one that only returns a single column from a single row - often substituted for a literal value.
  • Star Transformation: Modifying a query using traditional table joins to use IN-Subquery relationships. May have execution benefits, especially for data warehouses, as well easier to maintain. Oracle parameter included for automatic star transformation.

    SET operators
  • UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, MINUS (ISO equivalent: EXCEPT) are used to make a compound query
  • No order of precedence.** Read top-to-bottom, left-to-right. Use parentheses to establish order of precedence. **(yet. appears INTERSECT may eventually take precedence)
  • Columns from each query may be different in name, but must be of same datatype group. Column names from first query will be displayed as the result set.
  • Data from a compound query is returned with no duplicates and sorted by column values from left-to-right, with the exception of UNION ALL - returns all rows without sorting
  • ORDER BY can only be placed at the bottom of the last query of a compound query

    Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)
  • Sunday, February 8, 2009

    Oracle Certification Notes: Part XI

    This is a continuation of my notes as I study for the Oracle Certified Associate credential:

    Grouping Functions
  • COUNT(*) is the same as COUNT(ALL column)
  • Group functions ignore NULL values unless otherwise handled with NVL functions; As an example, this concept is important when using AVG()
  • Statistical group functions include VARIANCE() and STDDEV()
  • Group functions may be nested no more than two levels deep: G1(G2(column))
  • HAVING clause may only be used when a GROUP BY is also used
  • HAVING clause may contain multiple restrictions by use the AND, OR, & NOT conditions

    Table Joins: Natural, Equi, Nonequi, and Self Joins
  • Equijoin: Matching a row from one table to one or more rows on another table based on equality operators
  • NATURAL JOIN can be used when the columns of the joining tables have the exact same column name. There are three methods.
  • As a natural join example: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 NATURAL JOIN TABLE2; is the same as SELECT * FROM TABLE1, TABLE2 WHERE TABLE1.column1 = TABLES2.column1;
  • Another natural join example: SELECT * FROM TABLE1 JOIN TABLE2 USING (COLUMN1);
  • Another natural example: SELECT TABLE1.* FROM TABLE1 JOIN TABLE2 ON (TABLE1.column1=TABLE2.column1);
  • Nonequijoin: Matching a row from one table to one or more rows on another table based on a range of inequality operators
  • Self-join: Matching a row from one table to one or more rows (usually in a hierarchical manner) on itself
  • All of the above are also considered to be Inner Joins

    Table Joins: Cartesian and Outer Joins
  • Cartesian join: Also known as a cross-join. Where one row on a table matches to every row on another table. Number of rows returned equals TABLE1 count times TABLE2 count (5x3=15).
  • A cartesian join example: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLE1 CROSS JOIN TABLE2;
  • A Cross Join may not contain an ON clause
  • A cartesian join occurs when no joins or fewer than N-1 (where N=number of tables) are specified in a given query
  • Outer join: Retrieving orphan records (or one-sided rows) from a table. Can use RIGHT OUTER JOIN ON, LEFT OUTER JOIN ON, or FULL OUTER JOIN ON
  • As a traditional Oracle example: SELECT TABLE1.* FROM TABLE1 LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE2 ON (TABLE1.column1=TABLE2.column1); retrieves additional rows from TABLE1 that do not match the join criteria.
  • As an Oracle example: SELECT TABLE1.* FROM TABLE1, TABLE2 WHERE TABLE1.column1=TABLE2.column1 (+); retrieves additional rows from TABLE1 that do not match the join criteria.
  • The (+) asks for the additional rows that do match the join criteria on the opposite side of the equals sign

    Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)
  • Tuesday, February 3, 2009

    Oracle Certification Notes: Part X

    Here is a continuation of my notes as I study for the Oracle Certified Associate credential:

    Character Conversion Functions
  • NVL2(value, if_not_null, if_null): Watch out that the 2nd parameter after the compared value is if_NOT_null
  • NULLIF(if_not_equal, compare_value): IF compare_value equals if_not_equal THEN return null; ELSE return if_not_equal;
  • COALESCE(if_not_null_1, if_not_null_2, ... if_not_null_n): Like using nested NVL() statements. It will return the first NOT NULL value.
  • Implicit Conversion: Oracle attempts to automatically convert a value into the appropriate datatype before execution
  • Explicit Conversion: Examples TO_CHAR(), TO_NUMBER(), or TO_DATE()
  • TO_NUMBER(value, mask): Watch out for the use of format masks. If the value doesn't fit within format mask, an error is thrown; whereas, an error would NOT be thrown if done as a part of TO_CHAR()
  • Date Formatting: SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'fmMonth, DDth, Yyyysp, YEAR') FROM dual; equals 'February, 3RD, Two Thousand Nine, TWO THOUSAND NINE'

    Posted via Woodland Blog (http://dramse01.blogspot.com)