Friday, July 18, 2008 Tip: NuevaSync

To TechCrunch:

I'd like to suggest checking out, as I just read about it in the discussion forums:

Seems as though several people have had success configuring their iPhone 3G to allow for over-the-air syncing with their Google Calendar.... for free. While not a MobileMe killer (and they're doing fine hindering themselves at the moment), if a product like this were to gain more traction/support/exposure, it would certainly keep people like me using Google and all it's services.... not to mention, handing over my gmail userid/password to create a nuevasync account of my own.

Currently I don't know much about them, and thought if a group as highly-visible as TechCrunch did some investigation and a write-up, it'd be worth considering signing up during their beta.

Keep up the good work guys!


Update: I received a prompt email response from Calley Nye at TechCrunch: Thanks. I'll look into it.

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